Has anyone ever contacted you with a nasty remark over your answer then blocked !

Question: Somebody just did that to me! D'oh!!!

Answers: Somebody just did that to me! D'oh!!!

Yes it's really annoying because sometimes you have a really smartass answer and aren't able to show it off!!!
But on the other hand at least you are better than them by not retaliating anyways!!! xx


Yes, that's really annoying and stupid


Well, I blocked them, but they did send some nasty, racist remarks, I reported them

That happened to me a couple of weeks ago. Never did figure it out. Takes all kinds I guess.

no, but i hope they don't!

darn them to heck get them with another account

Yes. They're idiots who don't have anything better to do.

No, but that sounds really annoying.

dont allow silly people on here to contact me

Nope not yet.

no somebody just gave me an answer to my nasty question, but they don't allow emails and that really bothers me that they can dish it out, but they are too much of a coward to take it.



The disease of stupidity is infecting millions....

no it hasnt happened to me before.. hopefully it dont... sorry.

yea, in my previous account, some dumb broad asked if her sister was preety or not. i spoke my mind, and next thing you know, i get a message from her saying im an a5hole and such. i replied with a preety mean remark, and the next msg, she sed she would report me and when i trieed to reply, it sed she blocked me.

LOL! Yeah, that actually happened to me a few days ago.

For anybody who knows about the "green dot" question over in football, I kind of got angry about it after somebody asked it and, well, said something I probably shouldn't have.

I think it's funny after people block you after saying something bad about you. It just shows how immature they are.

Yes. Some person accused me of hating americans and called me all sorts of names and when I wrote a long e-mail back to them explaining it was the government that I didn't like and that americans were fine, I had been blocked

well i blocked a person when I asked a question : "which greek mythology creature is scariest to you" and someone said "your mother" i reported that person then blocked him/her

doesn,t that happen to you in regular person to person conversation, it does to me , not the nasty remarks, but just not allowing to talk, but you reminded me, that next door neighbor, she flipped me the finger,and called me nosey, i never did anything to her, she has not spoken to me since, but ask me if i care,

Hmmm...I've done that. Some jerk with no sense of humor answered one of my questions and I sent her an email telling her to lighten up. I also blocked her....not because I didn't want to hear her response, but because I didn't want her answering any more of my questions with her "preachy" nonsense.

Normally, I just block without sending the email...hmmm....guess I was having an "off" night.

Yea some idiot cowboy bill or something like that e-mailed me and said he was going to kick my a.ss. I e-mail him back to schedule a fight, I haven't heard from him since. All bark no bite.

Many times...of course, we all know that is the 'cowardly' know it alls on here that do that. It will come back to bite them some day! :)

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