Finally a bit of snow not what we were promised?!

Question: but good any ways do you like it when it snows?

Answers: but good any ways do you like it when it snows?

No I hate snow sparks especially when it turns to slush. We haven't even since as much as a snowflake was sunny yesterday and sunny again today.

It never snows here.

let snow girl

Gosh we have so much snow up here.

i love it so much.
and when it gets us out of school its even better =)

theres 30cm of snow here

I'm sick of snow ..... I want sunshine and warm breezes dangit .........

Not here, it did yesterday for about 10 mins

No snow here!!!! Supposed to have had some yesterday according to the met office!!

I wish it'd snow where I live.

I live in SLC, utah. It's snowed of and on regularly for almost 2 months. More probably than we've gotten in the last 10-15 years. I am tired of it. But since it's a desert out here, keep it coming.

Where are you that it snows,so? I got a bit of snow too!

I love it when it snows especially when all my shoppings done and I don't have to go outside only with my kids.

never snows in san diego!

i love visiting the snow though, but i could never live there, i am too used to warm weather... :)

1.we make snow man
2.we have fun ice. to watch t.v with hot coffee in in beds

Yes, nothing prettier than a white covered ground.

I hate snow. Lots of the stuff here.

I love it when it snows.... even though we dont get much of it here (Vancouver BC, Canada) We actually have some snow on the ground right now... but the rain will wash it all away. I hate it when it rains after it snows... then everything turns into a big slurpy!!!

We have snow

You're so lucky , Sparkles !
South Wales isn't that far away from you and yesterday was like a Spring Day.
Today, at the moment - a bit frosty but clear skies

We didn't get any. It seems to miss us most of the time for some reason.

No snow here :-( I like it when it snows.

Yes I love it.!!!

I love snow but we never get as much as we used to here. I miss sledging and snowmen and snowball fights

Ayrshire is finally getting some snow, but it's not that heavy so I doubt it will lie much. I'm kinda miffed, I love deep snow, but haven't had any like that in years. So here's hoping that it gets heavier today and I may get a couple of inches if nothing else.

No snow where I am, in the UK

it depends on the type of snow.If it's the light and fluffy stuff, it could snow year round

Its bright and sunny here in hertfordshire, but very, very cold. We don't very often get snow here, so when we do we certainly have fun, almost all the adults and children up our road come out to have snowball fights, and to make a huge snowman at the end of the road x

A light dusting on cars and pavements last night in Worcestershire.
Wall-to-wall sunshine at the moment (9.10 am)

I like to read ur quastions and give their answers rather than


Well we have glorious sunshine for the second day running here in Essex!! Washing on the line!!

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