Why does my daughter question the validity of answers I get on here?!

Question: If you are not a YA answers person, you just don't get it. Stop sharing your "adventures" with her - she's obviously too serious for this site.

Answers: If you are not a YA answers person, you just don't get it. Stop sharing your "adventures" with her - she's obviously too serious for this site.

because some people are not accurate in their answers

kids can be like that

Why do you let her read the answers you get here.....?

Tell her to get a well paid job with all those degrees (p.s. well done!!)and buy her own computer....log on and find out for herself!!!!! She'll become addicted and believe every word like we do!!!

because kids can and do know all .silly mummy .

beacuse all people not exack answer

IDK, but kids whether teen or graduates, think they know everything. Some think they know more then their parents do! Some act like their parents didn't go through the teen years or act like they were born yesterday!

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