Apparently a tiger killed someone at a San Fransisco zoo earlier today but.....?!

Question: surely its time that coca cola stopped inventing new flavours and just admitted that they are to blame for the obesity of this nation.................?

Answers: surely its time that coca cola stopped inventing new flavours and just admitted that they are to blame for the obesity of this nation.................?

i agree. Although i am waiting for the new Coke 2,000.. in which there will be 2,000 grams of sugar per serving!

this is a WTF moment

What the ????????????????????????

What the? LOL LMFAO!!


I love coca cola!

The horror of New Coke inspires wildlife to kill humans just for the sake of killing.

ok, how the hell do these 2 topics go together?!!

They are part of the problem. But fast food places are more to blame. Now they have double cheese burgers with two burgers, and bacon, and like 7 cheeses. That sounds healthy.

I'm sorry the tiger got killed. there are a lot less of them than there are of us.
and I only drink pepsi anyway.

I like green jello.

Freedom of CHOICE. Coke did not put a gun to your head. Have a little self-control and take responsibility!

Should've been giving that Tiger Coca-Cola, then it would've been too fat to kill anyone.

i kno. i think its all pretty silly myself.
keep the visicious tigers in their natural habitat.
its the ppl of america who decide what they drink, so its half their fault. and I'm not fat, because I have control over what I eat and drink. ok. thats my opinion on that.

coco is that you??

come on fess up.

I'm with you lets go on cola drinking strike

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