What is the best pet for child?!

Question: you should never pet a child you pedophile.

Answers: you should never pet a child you pedophile.



Good luck

A cat, hamster or fish. But I don't think a dog would be good because you have to take it out for a walk.

A puppy that will grow in to a small or medium dog. Dogs are a man's best friend!

A cute, cuddly, playful, bouncing little tail-wagging puppy.

Depends on the age. If the child is over 10 I would say a dog. Otherwise a pet rat would be a good choice. Rats are much more intelligent and easier to handle than a hamster.

depends on the age 4-5 fish 5-9 cat 10-19 dog

Probably a mouse, or hamster, or a fish. Something that is not too hard to look after.

cat or fish(orange fish)???

Happy Boxing Day!!???

Depends on the age of the child. A good pet for all ages is a kitten or a puppy. It gives children a sense of responsibility.

a dog

That would depend on the child. How mature is he/she? Is she active, likes to run around etc. Quiet...likes to study things or daydream? Do they play gentley or do the like rough and tumble play?
If they are quiet and like to study things....a cat or a fish or hamster might do. For a more active child a sturdy and gentle dog that can play and interact might be better.
Please keep in mind no matter what pet you get you are committing to that pet for the pet's life span. So be sure YOU are aware of the pet's needs and requirements before you bring one into the household, no matter what kind of pet it is.
When looking at pet be sure to remember your family's schedule and things like what will happen to the pet when you go on vacation or have people come over, etc.
Good luck

my choice a puppy
its better 2 ask a child by showing cute animals

dont give 2 big or dangerous pets it could harm them
they may get scared.........

Mostly it will depend on the age of your child and to a bit lesser extent the temperament of the child!
Whatever you decide be it a cat, dog, bunny, rat, hamster or other here are some vital tips!!
Take your pet for a checkup as soon as possible. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, a breeder, shelter, or pet store should allow you to have an animal examined and returned within an agreed-upon time if it's unhealthy. Read the fine print on any pet-purchase contracts, though, to make sure.
Teach kids how to handle and pick up pets — to never squeeze them too tight, drop them, fall on them, or pick them up too fast.
Teach kids never to tease animals or pull their tails or ears.
Teach kids never to bother animals while they're eating, sleeping, or tending to their young.
Teach kids never to take a toy or bone away from a dog.
Teach kids never to pet or try to play with an animal they don't know, even if it's someone's family pet.
Closely supervise pets and kids. Never leave an infant or toddler alone with a pet.
Don't put pets into scary situations. For example, if you know your cat gets nervous around too many people, then put the kitty in another room during parties.
Teach kids to wash their hands with soap and water after handling pets.
Good Luck & have fun!

1. Golden Retriever
2. Labrador
3. German Shepherd
4. Husky
5. Bulldog

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