What do find distasteful?!

Question: The way alot of young girls act and dress now. They have no self respect and are way too skanky.

Answers: The way alot of young girls act and dress now. They have no self respect and are way too skanky.

myself :( http://img123.imageshack.us/img123/5443/...


most of the crud that's on TV nowadays

ppl who lieeeeeee


Britney Spears


The fashion sense of younger girls, these days. Britney Spears and her little sister.

People cursing at their children. I have seen adults curse at children as young as 2 or 3 and it makes me so mad. Or they curse at each other, dropping the "F" bomb and everything else, while one of them is holding a toddler.

1) people who harbor hate within themselves for unknown or selfish reasons
2) trolls
3) people who are too politcally corect
4) clowns
5) George w. bush

All of these problems we face in this world, as well as all this self-pity and stress I can't seem to get rid of.........

Racial slurs


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