Is it me, or is time going really really slow today?!

Question: zzzzzzzzzzz..

Answers: zzzzzzzzzzz..

Don't wish your precious time away, oh jealous feline.

not to bad but it is slowing down.

Its just you.

I think it's you. Time is flying here and I have so much to get done!

i usually have 20 minutes to spare in the morning and today it felt like an hour.

i think its going slow because i want christmas to get here so bad.

no way! its already been more than an hour since the last i checked! =O

it's crawling
I can't get to the site I need to get to for work so I am doing nothing work related at all.....makes for a LONG day

OOps...I forgot to switch it back to normal after the last experiment.......

yess it iss i been at school since like 7 am this mornin and its like only 10! so your not the only one

I thinks it's super you. Mine is really fast

It's's flying for me.

Throw your clock out the window.

Then time will fly!

I think it's you.

When dat happenz to me, I usually notice also it's because I'm not busy at anything! Patience my friend, this day has just started... ;~)

it actually started to go backwards at one point
im sure it did

No Not really . . .the time is clicking on by and I have to work the night shift tonight. I better get some sleep. Goodnight Y'all

it is getting ssssslllllllloooowwww I am trying to stay awake zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sorry about that zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz OH GOD IT IS SO HARD TO STAY AWAKE!!!!!! I think I will go get some coffee and dump it on my head........

It's really slow. I'm with you on this one.

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