What is your first thought when you know, someone is "insulting your intell!

Question: What goes around comes around @sshole :)

Answers: What goes around comes around @sshole :)

My first thought is fiyuck yiu!

Piss on'em...

what'd you just call me?


"You big dummy!"

This moron is insulting me...............
with their IQ of 67.............

Rip their face off and hand it to them sweetie .......

hope you are having a wonderful day my dear dear friend .....
sincerely, jerry aka poet man =)

oh this mofo done lost their mind

"you're dumb!!!" URGGGH!

My first thought, "Aw hell no they didn't just say/do that..."

Then I will do the following:

A) I proceed to insult them with my witty come back.
B) I walk away.
C) Beat them down!
D) A combination of A, B, and/or C.


what an idiot

Just ignore them honey! Its not worth knowing them...

Stupid is as stupid does.

I can be spiteful when I know someone has gone out of their way to cause me pain. But I've never claimed to know much so who gives a flying bucket of pig sheet? :)

I think "What a moron! What a condescending, self-centered moron!"

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