Am I crazy for wanting 7 kids?!

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No! Absolutely not. In fact it is only very recently that it has become "normal" to only have 1, 2 or 3 children! Historically families have always been much larger, with several offspring, sometimes a dozen or more!

People must realize this is the way it should be. Families large in size as they are supposed to be can look after their underacheivers and those in old age!. What we have now with a system of small families is heavy reliance on government to care for us, this is bad!

I admire you for wanting what is naturally the right thing

no just horny...

Hmmm nope... Especially because your LDS.

I personally want 4 kids! 3 boys and 1 girl! (:

yes, i have 3 and am nuts

Only if you can't afford to take care of them

hey more kids the merrier..........have fun

you might be with seven kids

Are you going to buy seven car seats and put them in the same car?

Just as long as your expectations of the worn out tax payer having to foot the bill to rear them up is not in your equation.

So how do you plan on supporting them?

I want 5...wanna bargain and settle for 6 ; )

You'll change your mind about half way through... 3 or 4...

what are you you know anyone with 7 mom has 5 and wants to pull her hair out half the time

that's fine if you can feed them


yeah gl finding a guy like that too lol

No ur not some have 10

at least you know what you want, you would be one up on many people if you had them all. some people die wanting.

YES- but whoever said crazy was a bad thing?

Mom of 4.

different people have different thoughts.
some think that having few is great, while some think the more the merrier~

not really I want 15...but then again im the center of weirdness

I would say yes... but at the same time I could end up with 7 so... go for it!!

In your dreams, or your fantasy world, it's perfectly fine. In the real world.....You are crazy.

Crazy, and probably not very bright. The world is over populated (really), you probably can't afford it, and there is no way one person can give proper love and attention to seven young children at once. It's a ridiculous thought, you should get a Norplant.

Say no to mass procreation...


No....You are leaning in the selfish side.There are too many people ROAMING and destroying it.

That is why I am adopting..

I don't guess you'd have to be if you can afford the time, money, and energy it would take to raise them properly - I only had one because of medical reasons

Lot of people want something that they dont have and they wanan have lots of it without think of the pain, head aches, bills etc etc. So i say take it one child at a time maybe after the first one you woun't want anymore.

If you can look after each and everyone of them well, provide for them a good education and give them lots of love and care then the answer is no.

SEVEN?? Why seven, think of all the washing and ironing, cooking and cleaning, school runs, taxiing them to brownies, cubs, football, guides, scouts.....think of all the hormonal girls, think of all the boys with their testosterone.........your belly will surely never go back to its firmness after will have spent so much of your life being pregnant with piles, varicose veins, heartburn.
Needing to get two babysitters just so you and your partner can go out. Trailing round the shops with SEVEN kids.

Oh my god, take 2 paracetamol, have a lie down and think this plan through again.

i dont know

its funny you posted that.. i come from a large divorced family. seven kids from 12 years old to 25.... i only want one kid. my boyfriend of 8 years is an only child. when we were discussing having kids i said i only wanted one.. he wants more. i think it all depends on how you were raised.

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