Does not being adopted mean noone loves you?And does that mean you are a waste o!

Question: kinda. but mainly it means you are a waste of perfectly good semen Paris Hilton could have dined on.

Answers: kinda. but mainly it means you are a waste of perfectly good semen Paris Hilton could have dined on.

no, it means that the people adopting are stupid. You deserve a chance like every one else. everybody wants to adopt a baby, but the rest of the world needs a family too, and YOURS just has not come along yet. everyone (even my ex wife) has a worth, even if it is as a bad example (angain with the ex lol.) hang in there, the right family for you is comming. I have just made it my official Christmas wish.

No it means you are too good and people don't see you for who you really are on the inside where it counts. No one is worthless or a waste of skin. There are people who would love to adopt you.

Not at all, many feel unloved, irrespective of position in life, love and you will be loved, no one is worthless.

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