What's your special "talent"?!

Question: As in, is their anything you can do that's abnormal and cool or weird? I have nothing special about me ;) No weird talents anyway... That I know of... I know a girl who can make her tongue look like stairs though! it's freaky cool!

Answers: As in, is their anything you can do that's abnormal and cool or weird? I have nothing special about me ;) No weird talents anyway... That I know of... I know a girl who can make her tongue look like stairs though! it's freaky cool!

Ooooh! I can stretch my neck! My grandfather could too, it's a geneticly weird thing. But I can stretch it up over my chin and into my mouth, but it looks completely normal and no one would ever know unless I told them or they saw me poking my fingers around in it when I was nervous or something...

Its not weird or freaky...but i can put my foot behind my head and sit like that for an hour lol


I can make the greatest monkey impression!

lol, kinda stupid! But that is my "Special Talent"!

I have a talent of talking myself into things that i dont really want to do and then cant get out of them. amazing, works every time.

flirting and singing and football

I don't know if it's that big of a talent but I can raise my eyebrows one at a time (nobody in my family can)

can't tell it is a secret for only me and my man sorry!

I can throw popcorn into the air and catch it in my mouth 16 times counted in a row. I can make a complete circle with my body. That means i can touch me feet to my head backwards. Also i have been in a forwheeler accident ( i flipped over twice. not fun BTW) and i have been in two car accidents ( very bad ones in the middle of the highway), and i have jumped off a 30 foot wall to the ground. I HAVE NEVER BROKEN A BONE!! Not one little scratch. Well i have a huge scar from the 3rd highway accident.

I can act pretty good. I think that is my talents that I am proud of !!!!!!!

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