Can you really not miss something?!

Question: you never had?

Answers: you never had?

I think you can yearn for something you've not had, but I don't think you can miss something you never had.

I yearn to spend a romantic weekend with Christina Applegate, but I can't say I miss it.

Yes I can.

thats very true you dont miss what you never had.

miss something u never had? well, i guess not

nah thats just bull they tell u to make u think the pain will go away

Yes ex. You never went out with your crush but you still miss himbecause you loved him so much and you keep on thinking of what couldve been.

dont really know

Yes. I miss not having the chance to continue my education and pursue my life's dream of teaching Physics.

It's too late for me now. Trust me on this, it's too late.

Oh! You bet your bippy!
I know I will never miss the schmuck that used to called me names whenever I wouldn't get out of the seat on the bus that was next to the emergency door. He figured that was his seat . And there was even a bigger kid that had the seat across the he never bothered him.
Yep, I will never miss that kid.

yes i can

I miss sixth sense, the sense to see future.

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