YOUR now stinking RICH RICH RICH?!

Question: So your now loaded to the max....

Would you pay to change your body in any way?

and what would you have done?

Answers: So your now loaded to the max....

Would you pay to change your body in any way?

and what would you have done?
Hell no, I wouldn't! I'm rich enough to be ugly!
Yes....I would get lypo and put it in my backside because I have a back with a crack LOL
No, I would go on holidays.
No, i am short, fat , balding, but extremely happy.
Lasik eye surgery...I'm tired of the glasses and I despise contacts.
nope i would not.
I'd get the scars removed from my knuckles with laser surgery or something. Getting twacked out and punching walls will leave scars... :/
Boob job and lasik
Get rid of my belly, not plastic surgery just a personal trainer to get me back in shape!
i would just get a personal trainer, why bother with any surgery if i ment to look a certain way.
not unless i cant do it myself, even if its alot of work
If possible make myself tallter
Heart Transplant
Lypo maybe, removal of acne scars yes.
I'd quit work, hire a personal trainer ( a hot one with a nice ***) and dedicate myself to gym, cars, women and real estate. Oh and I'd buy a McDonalds franchise just for the sake of eating McFlurries when I want to.
I'm a guy, maybe a piercing nipples, or lip, get me an awesome girlfriend, take her ya know to the mall, buy her whatever she wanted, then worry about me later, hope this helps (;
Buy a home in georgia for my parents
I'm not rich, my dad is. He earned that money, not me, so it would be wrong for me to say "I'm rich"...
yes I would have bionic arms and legs inserted....becuase I am the 6 Million Dollar Man
I 'd take a trip around the world.
no,i ill go playing games
yes. tummy tuck, fix saggy boobs, bump on nose, teeth,
Yeah.. to make this skinny body normal! Maybe a nose job would be nice.. its fine but what do I know..from the mirror and what everyone else says seems good.. And thats about it.. :]

ohhh lol WOULD I? no.. i think im good i'd donate some money to charities and research centers, then it's ala travel around the world baby! Buy buy buy..!
Yeah, I would. I would pay for lazic hair removal on my legs and eyebrows. It's such a chore getting waxed, shaved, and plucked.
I wouldn't have surgery, just hire a chef to cook healthy meals for me to help me lose a bit of weight.
No I would not.
not myself personally.... not meaning I'm perfect,far from it i just don't see why i would put myself under unnecessary surgery ...i would pay for someone to have surgery if they really needed it, ..IE someone who is badly scarred or any other disfigurement ,only if they wanted to of course :)
No too painful....but I would make sure I hired a decent chef and trainer just to get me in the trim.
yes, i would change it by buying more clothes. No under the knife for me
No... I think that I am fine as I am

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