Tell me, how did music like this go from music like ...?!

Question: Tell me, how did music like this go from music like !.!.!.!?
Samples of music from the 60's/70's:

And Queen, and all the other great bands I'm forgetting to mention at the moment!.!.!.how did the music all of a sudden
change to this: http://www!.youtube!.com/watch!?v=bVrVRSlog!.!.!.
Not to offend anyone who likes rap or anything!. I liked rap too!. But not the meaningless songs!.


*deep deep sigh*

You're so right!. The pornification of music just galls me!. There's a confluence b/n what people listen to and how they live their lives!. Like the Zen saying: How I do anything is how I do everything!.

Those older bands had something to talk about, something explore, something to say, to do, to share, to discover!.

Contemporary rock bands seem fixated on how hard life is and how much it hurts to feel what it's like to be alive in a world where life is so hard!. I'm sorry!.!.!.have any of the bands under the "Emo" banner ever lived in a country other the USA!?

My hope is that bands like Hypernova take over the airwaves and return a bit of the reality that those 60s/70s acts had!.

Contemporary rap artists in particular seem to have nothing better to do than talk about the next place they plan to stick their d**ks and how much money they expect to have while they're doing it!.

Base, crass, crude, vulgar, small-minded crap!.

Oh for the days when rap meant Public Enemy, and hip-hop meant Arrested Development, De La Soul, and others like themWww@Enter-QA@Com

Everything has changed!. I'm afraid what's next!. I shudder at the thought!. Music has evolved all though it's not perfect and no it's nothing like the classics, there is actually good music out there!. Yes it's not the greatest but it's cool!. I do agree with you though on "Cyclone" and "Don't Trust Me"!. All though that's not the worse of songs I have heard!. My little sister plays Lil Wayne's "Lollipop" over and over that's one of the worse songs ever written!. Something that should have never seen the light of day imo!. also the whole *it* factor, the trends of the youth and young at heart!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

I don't think music has lost it's!.!.!.how would you say!.!.!.meaning I guess!. I do agree that some popular music is pretty pointless, but I'm sure the parents of the '60's thought the same thing about The Beatles and their like!. I was actually just reading about how parents responded to the Teddy Boys of Lennon's age(when he was growing up)!. It's quite amusing!.

Just try to be more understanding of people's feelings towards the music of today!. Plus, not all of it is too bad!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

*sigh* I totally second you Nevermore!.!.!.

there is still some good stuff out there currently, but it's getting rare; harder and harder to weed out the good stuff!.!.!.

*goes and listens to Revolver and pretends it's the 60's*Www@Enter-QA@Com

Hey, older music had some pointless songs too!. About booze & sex!. I would post a link, however arhm!.!.!.!. No, just take my word for it, older generations had their fair share of shity lyrics too!.Www@Enter-QA@Com


I loved the 80's but honestly and realistically it's Hair Metal's fault!. That's where the "Suits" first got the idea for the cookie cutter!. The result!? Today's horrifically stagnant U!.S!. Music scene!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

No we have the Jonas Brothers now, music is waaay better than that Pink Floid and Beetles crap!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Uh!.!.!.!. there are plenty of modern songs with meaning, and there are tons of older songs about sex (AC/DC anyone!?)!. That's a bad assumption on your part!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

Rap is ftl

Epic failWww@Enter-QA@Com

I totally see wat ur saying!. I absolutely hate it!. WTF is up with the lyrics! it's, cause of technology, and just style!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

have no idea i guess people nowadays just want money and dont give a crap on what they're sayingWww@Enter-QA@Com

Well, how can you judge modern music on one song!? That's very unfair, the majority bands I listen to were formed less than ten years ago, and they're quite good (IMHO, of course)!. I can assure you, though most music doesn't sound like what it did in the 60s and 70s, it's just as good!.

I disagree with people saying that finding new, good music is getting rare, it hasn't been hard for me to find new, incredibly good music!. And besides, there were an incredible amount of crappy, untalented, piece of sh*t bands back then as well!.

And I find it odd how you compared classic rock songs to a crappy, overrated /rap/ song!. Wouldn't it make more sense to compare it so some terrible rock song!? Just my two cents!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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