My dad is wearing earrplugs to the concert?!?!

Question: My dad is wearing earrplugs to the concert!?!!?
SERIOUSLY!?! he wants to go with me to an avenged sevenfold concert in a couple weeks!. so i got him a ticket and got SEAT tickets just because he doesnt want his knees hurting from standing!?!!?! so okay!.!. i got seat tickets just for him!. NOW he wants to wear earrplugs!. i mean really!? thats messed up!. and embaressing!. its not like hes that old either!.
how can i talk him out of that!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

Just let him do it!. Cherish the little things you get to do with your dad, and his crazy little antics!.
You'll enjoy yourself whether or not he wears earplugs or not!. Anyways, no one there cares enough to notice if your father is wearing earplugs, and if they do happen to notice they really aren't going to care!.
Not trying to be mean but its the truth, people just don't care about anybody but themselves!. And does it matter what other people think!.
He will enjoy being with you, and protect his hearing!.
Earplugs are probably a good idea for him, unless you want to have to drive him to the ear doctor in 10 years or so to buy him hearing aids!.
I know when I'm on stage I wear earplugs, and sometimes at louder concerts too!. I don't want to be deaf when I get older, and he doesn't either!.
The important thing is to enjoy your time with your dad and just not worry about the little things!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

It's pretty easy to lose your hearing, especially at a loud concert such as avenged sevenfold!. From the standpoint of a musician I can understand wearing earplugs, I should do it more than I do!. You can lose the first 70 cycles of your hearing (high frequency) very easily from things like loud concerts!. Especially if he's been to several concerts in the past it probably makes sense for him to wear them!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

im going to an avenged concert too, in december!. i can't wait!. :)

i can understand him wanting to wear earplugs, its gonna be loud as ****!. if your really embarrassed by him, see if you can get a friend to go along with you, and maybe a friend of his to go along with him!. then you guys won't have to bother each other too much!. Www@Enter-QA@Com

Your Dad is a wise man!
I've been to many concerts over the years and wish I had worn them since I've lost a lot of my hearing (my work environment caused some of my loss too)!.
You can get ear plugs that you can barely see in your ears!. They sell them at most gun shops!. They are small pieces of foam that you roll in your fingers to compress them and then you insert them in your ears while pulling the top of your ear up with the other hand!.
We use them at work and I take them to concerts now!.
Get a pair for yourself because you may need them! Www@Enter-QA@Com

I carry earplugs to concerts and use them if the sound is so loud that it's hurting my ears!.

And guess what ~ probably most of the musicians on stage are using them, too!.

Protecting your hearing is good ~ giving so much of a crap what other people think!.!.!. less cool!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

haha, i wanna go! tell him that you can't hear after about five minutes anyways (i've been to like 8 concerts this year, i should know) or just hide them from him and when he asks for them at the concert say "sorry i cant hear you"Www@Enter-QA@Com

Uh!.!.!.it's really not that embarrassing!. You can't prevent him from doing what he wants if he is bringing you to a concert!. You should be grateful he is even going with you!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I used to think like that, now I bug the hell out of my wife because about half the time I have to say "what" about 3 times before I know what she's saying!.

Just saying!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

I wish I had worn earplugs over my past 15 years of going to rock and roll!.

Now I need people to repeat what they're saying if we aren't talking directly to each other in a quiet room!.Www@Enter-QA@Com



So he wants to protect his hearing!. What's so embarrassing!? It's not like people are going to notice and think less of you for it!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Maybe he wants to protect himself from loud, crappy music!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

your dad is wise, that's why he wants to sit and not having ringing ears for a weekWww@Enter-QA@Com

Let your Dad wear the earplugs, but make him wear a beanie!. Tell him it's more protection!.!.!.Problem Solved!


I don't know about you, but I've been gone to a lot a shows!. There were years where I was averaging about one every week!. One a month is a slow time for me!. As such, I'm starting to notice my hearing isn't quite what it used to be!. So I myself have worn earplugs to a show or two!. If I can get away with it at punk shows, then you and your Dad should be fine at Avenged!. Add to that the fact that when I did see that band play, the kids in the audience were the most moronic, idiotic wastes of space I've ever seen at a show!.!.!.!.keep in mind how many shows I've been to!.!.!.!. so you shouldn't be embarrassed about what they think!. Some of the parents were laughing for crying out loud!. But then again, Suicidal Tendencies were opening so I don't think those kids were prepared for a real pit to break out in the middle of their little "acrobatic dancing circle featuring lame little ninja moves that don't come into contact with anyone else" pit!.

I'm just ranting at this point!.!.!.!.

*****Prof: LOLOLOLOL!!!!
Your wife and my girlfriend can share their frustrations because I'm the same way!. What!? is like my catch phrase!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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