Classical songs from the movies Giant and Goodbye Mr.Chips?!

Question: Classical songs from the movies Giant and Goodbye Mr!.Chips!?
In the old film Giant with Elizabeth Taylor, there was a man who played a famous classical piece on the organ that I can't put my finger on!. Who played it and what was it called!?

In Goodbye Mr!.Chips, when Mr!.Chips was dancing in the ballroom, I heard some familiar classical piece that I can't seem to identify!.


The ballroom music was the blue danubeWww@Enter-QA@Com

The score to Goodbye Mr Chips was composed by Richard Addinsell!. Little of the score remains, but what has was reconstructed by Philip Lane and appears as a 10 minute suite of the CD 'Film Music of Richard Addinsell', Chandos CHAN 10046!. The ballroom scene does not, however, feature in that reconstruction!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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