Why are most Rap artists in western countries minorities?!

Question: Why are most Rap artists in western countries minorities!?
In France and Belgium, they're mostly Arab and Germany, Turks and in the US ofcourse most are African American and some Latinos aswell!.

Why are minorities most likely to become rap artists!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

Because they come from Poverty too!. Go to the banlieues en Paris, they're more or less like ghettoes & projects and theyre mostly African and Arab!. The same goes for Germany and Britain!.

And its not necessarily minorities, its any marginalised group!. In Europe there are many Arab, Italian, Portuguese, Indian and Pakistani rappers, whereas in the US they arent as prominent!. Cats from the hood identify with the message behind the music better, which is why they emulate it and mix it with their own styles

because they just go for it!. i don't think it has anything to do with race!.!.!.i think it's just that the majority is to afraid to paint that picture as being different, so they don't try it!. eminem paved the way a little!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Given that black and Latino people started hip hop, it would stand to reason that most rappers are "minorities"!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Good question!.!.!.maybe because alot of minorities live in slums and poor urban areas!.

They begin to create music about the surroundings around them!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

The population of "minorities" is way higher in america than it is over thereWww@Enter-QA@Com

cause they come from poor areas like a lot of rappers!.they get hope from the songs!.they just set there mind to do itWww@Enter-QA@Com

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