HELP!!! Can I sing? (YOUTUBE LINK)?!

Question: HELP!!! Can I sing!? (YOUTUBE LINK)!?
I really want to be able to sing!.!.!.but I can't! Any advise!?

I am 15 years old and I have done it all, church choirs, school choirs (Only five of us!.) and currently I am taking private lessons yet I can't seem to have a pretty voice!.!.!.What am I doing wrong!?

This is me singing -> http://www!.youtube!.com/user/xXxCanISingx!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

okayyyyy sooo heres the deal!.!.!.
-try to sing fom your diaphram not your nose
-listen to demi sing it more, even try singing with her, because you need to get on pitch!.
-you do have a good tone that means possible potential, but nothings definate!.
-if you are really interested in singing!.!.!.get a voice teacher!. all singers have had one at one point or another, and most of them have them all troughout their career!.

goood luck :]Www@Enter-QA@Com

Firstly, your link doesn't work; I had to add the last two "xx" to get to your page!.

Secondly, you spoke that more than sang it, so, I can't tell if you can sing or not!. The few notes you did sing, however, sounded very nice and like you could very well sing, once you learn how to do it!.

Try uploading a video of you singing with a backing track to make you feel less exposed; it'll make you sing out more and make you easier to critique!.

Lastly, the voice we hear in our ears and in our heads is never the voice heard by people listening to us!. Don't judge what you hear when you sing!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Um well compared to how demi sang it i don't think so!. try a song that's more for chorus, like lean on me or something!. I think your okay, not bad, not amazing, in between!. but with proper lessons you could be very good!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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