Best lyrics? for bands like spill canvas and brand new?!

Question: Best lyrics!? for bands like spill canvas and brand new!?
what are the most meaning full lyrics in your oppinion from bands like the spill canvas and brand new!? i think those two bands have some of the best lyrics thats why i listed themWww@Enter-QA@Com

Well I think the Spill Canvas's "3685" are some of their best lyrics because it refers to their personal experiences but it's just SO easily relateable!. Same with"All Hail the Heartbreaker"!.
As far as Brand New goes, I think "Okay I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don't" is one of their best songs for just the opposite reason!. Most cannot necessarily relate but there is just some strength in that song that makes you feel so much!. I don't now about you but it makes me excited!. Haha!.

Both are great bands though!. I don't usually come across people who are big fans of both like I am!. :)Www@Enter-QA@Com

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