I'm starting drums and i need some help !?!

Question: I'm starting drums and i need some help !!?
i'm in singapore right now and I'm not really keen on buying anything off the internet so i'm looking at starting drums but i don't want to waste any money on something i wont enjoy my price range is around 200-300 $ and i don't know what brands i might consider please recommend some shops to buy from ! and brands to buy Www@Enter-QA@Com



Those are two places where you can buy them!. I'll be honest, I've been playing drums for 4 years and you're not going to get the best quality out of your drum set if you're only willing to spend that much!. My guess is if that's your price range you need to get a used set, and get a starter set!. Brands aren't really that important in all honesty at that low of a budget!. Drums are drums, for the most part, but the most important things are the cymbals!. On a starter set, the cymbals are going to sound awful, but it's just a starter set!. When you get more money you can upgrade and get brands such as "Paiste" or "Zildjian!." Right now, I would just buy a starter set, see how much you like it and go from there!. Like I said, a starter set'll be good for now, and drums basically sound the same, you may need to buy better heads though!. Good luck!Www@Enter-QA@Com

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