Would you hire Hells Angels (high on pcp and speed) to police your rock festival!

Question: Would you hire Hells Angels (high on pcp and speed) to police your rock festival!?
Good idea to get cheap security or maybe a bad idea!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

Hate to break it to you Aric, but the Angels were not involved with Woodstock!. They were, however, the security at Altamont!. As far as the question!.!.!.!. Everyone from the Dead to the Stones, and all parties in between, have avoided responsibility for what, in retrospect, was a bad idea!. However, at the time it was a good will gesture offered in the spirit of unity and cooperation (at Dead manager Rock Scully's urging) intended to bridge the gap between the Angels and the counterculture!. The problem was timing!. THe beer, weed, reds, etc!. should have been distributed AFTER the show!. Meredith Hunter would likey agree!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

ZZ Top used them and recommended them to the Stones!. I assume you're talking about Altamont!.
Lot's of bands used them before that, like Doors and they were used for festivals, too!.
Any security co!. could have people that were high on anything at that time, not to mention the people they were trying to keep in line!. I'm not defending HA but just saying the stones weren't the only ones to hire them!. And bad things happened at lot's of concerts that HA were not security!. Check out the Who concert where people were crushed!.!.!.!.
It was a different time, you could smoke in front of security, they weren't the police!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Um, no, the brutal killing of an innocent person with pool cues is not my idea of ideal security!. But at Altamont back then no one really knew how it would turn out, did they!? I bet the crowd was scared as anything to even sneeze after the incident!. I wonder if anybody ever got prosecuted!?!?Was it not The Rolling Stones who hired them!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

YES! That Would Be Kick ***! You Saw What Good They Did For Wood Stock That Would Be Cool

edit: i knew they were security for some concert just didint know which one!. now i feel stupidWww@Enter-QA@Com

Yeah, it'd be a bad *** show!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Uhhhh!.!.!.!.NO!! LOL!!Www@Enter-QA@Com

No I'd hire them to do my taxes!.!.!.!.!.maybe I'll trade beer for financial adviseWww@Enter-QA@Com

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