Guitar question: am i going to learn wrong finger picking technique if i won'!

Question: Guitar question: am i going to learn wrong finger picking technique if i won't grow my nails!?
i hate growing nails so i cut it close!. but i noticed that if i use the stomack of my fingers, i tend to follow through long distance to make a crisp sound, compared to picking with nails where you don't have to follow through that much; you just have to flick your finger!.

the thing is my hand kind of moves a lot because of the movement instead staying steady!. that makes me sometimes pick the wrong strings!.

is this because i'm a beginner or do i really have to grow my nail to play it right!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

No I trim my fingernails to the quick and I can still fingerpick competently, Using your fingertips rather than your nails will produce a much warmer sound!. The exception being if you play flamenco where I can't conceive any way of working without the nails!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

There are a million different ways to play the guitar!. Some finger pickers grow their nails!. Some use clip on finger picks, some use just regular fingers!. Worry more about learning scales and chords!Www@Enter-QA@Com

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