How does the lead singer in Three Days Grace scream?!

Question: How does the lead singer in Three Days Grace scream!?
In the songs "Its All Over" and in the end of "Riot" the lead singer of Three Days Grace, Adam Gontier, screams!. However, it isn't like a pig squeal which screamo bands use, it is a lower scream and I can't seem to copy it!. How does he make that type of scream!. And also in their song "Animal I Have Become" Adam is able to make his voice very raspy-sounding during some parts, how does he do this!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

A lot of that is studio assisted!. the pop-rock bands who have incorporated the "cookie-monster" sound like 3 days, trapt, breaking benjamin all add that!. with effects, they can acheive that sound!. i've seen a few of these bands live and they can not pull it off, so its studio trickery!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

there are different pitches of screams

as for the raspy part, i don't know!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Everyone's voice tone is different so you will have to practice!.!.!. and when you're done ~ practice some more! LOL :)

There can only be one Adam!!!!! Lol!. And he's just so damn good!. I seen him in concert and it was awesome!Www@Enter-QA@Com

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