Which 80s bands partyed the most...in your opinion.?!

Question: Im sayin Motley Crue.

Answers: Im sayin Motley Crue.

Motley Crue and Guns and Roses, Robbin Crosby of Ratt was a pretty huge party animal too.

def leppard

Crue for sure... Metallica had some good parties I'd assume.

Guns n Roses

Van Halen


1. Motley Crue 2 Def Leppard (they partied so much the drummer was driving drunk - got into a car accident - and lost an arm ) 3. Guns and Roses 4 Poison


Motely Crue
Guns N' Roses

Aerosmith followed by Guns.

They all partied A LOT but I bet Motley Crue partied the most.

van halen. they got banned from so many hotels its insane

I hate to sound unoriginal but I'm going with Motley Crue as well. They should all be dead by now several times over.


Well I couldn't decided on just on there really were so many good ones but the two that I loved the most are Def Leppard and Van Halen went and saw them in concert this year they still rock the house!!! Eddie Van Halen can play a guitar!! And his son is following in his footsteps. A must see concert if you ever get the chance.....I was also amazed at all the young people there listening to my generation of music awesome!!!!

yeah, i was gonna say them too.
Even tho Guns N Roses isnt really classified as a hair band, they're probably the ones that partied the most

Motley Crue.

Just read The Dirt to confirm that.

Yeah prob have to agree with you Dave.The Crue...

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