The song umbrella, who come out with it first? My Chemical Romance? Or Rihanna? !

Question: Rihanna but her version sucked
then when MCR sang it , it became music and 10 times better then the original song.

Answers: Rihanna but her version sucked
then when MCR sang it , it became music and 10 times better then the original song.

MCR and Rihanna share a song?!

No suprise here. They both suck @$$!

I think My Chemical Romance and Rihanna's "Umbrella" are two completely different songs. They just coincidentally have the same title.

rihanna. my chemical romance just covered it

MCR covered it. Loads of people have including the Klaxon's and McFly but Rihanna deffo brought it out first.

i think it was rhianna, but mandy moore also has a cover of it

Rihanna ^.^

lol, duh, it's rihanna, MCR sang it as a joke...

Rihanna i think i dont know for shure

okay so rihanna came out w/ that song
gerard simply just did a cover of it at the project revolution concert in hartford i went to (that was the best concert ever and probably the best one on the entire tour)

Rihanna you banana. MCR were just taking the mick out of it....Lol..It was so funny...=)

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