Do you launchcast?!

Question: I have been using this for a couple of years... is there any better inernet radio out there?

Answers: I have been using this for a couple of years... is there any better inernet radio out there?

Is that the same as I loved the old launch, before Yahoo bought it out. No offense Yahoo, but you destroyed launch for me. Anyway, I really enjoy You just type in music that you like, and it has this really complex way of figuring out what other music you might like. It's pretty awesome.

I use Rhapsody, only because it's included with my my internet fee.

I do :) I love it. I discovered one of my favorite bands on it a couple years ago, Finger Eleven.

Never. I have CDs or stored audio in my computer.

Hmm, I found Finger Eleven in one of the oddest ways: at a concert in the 90s!

Great band, though, just had to be a bit smarty there. Love their music and how they have hung in there.

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