Can you give me one good reason? MCR fans/haters please.?!

Question: Can someone please give me one good reason not to like My Chemical Romance?

I don't want reasons like ooh they're whiney little teens. Or they're gothic/emo, ew. No, none of that. I want a good reason like
Their music depresses me and I'm a happy person.

something REAL and not a stupid excuse to make fun of people and their music.

one good reason.

Answers: Can someone please give me one good reason not to like My Chemical Romance?

I don't want reasons like ooh they're whiney little teens. Or they're gothic/emo, ew. No, none of that. I want a good reason like
Their music depresses me and I'm a happy person.

something REAL and not a stupid excuse to make fun of people and their music.

one good reason.

Well I haven't found a reason not to like them. They are one of my favorite bands. They have great lyrics and great beats. Each one of the guys is pretty hot [just a bonus], Their CD's, merch, and website have awesome graphics.

People talk bad about them for stupid reasons like that they're emo. Well go on Youtube and watch some interviews [Much On Demand inteview maybe] and you'll see how they're all happy funny guys. And they love their fans.
And they live normal lives, no ones anorexic, and they have girlfriends [and wives]. So if you like their music then listen to them.

they're anorexic.

The fans. There obesessed over some band that no one will like in a few years. How else could I explain?

ok i did love them but im just over and sick of them. thats the reason why i hate them now cuz i listened to them too much and now im sick of them. so its kinda my fault for hating them but actually i wouldnt say hate just dislike.
another reason is that they won't be a very durable band, as in they'll fade away in a couple of years

I Simpy Dont Like Them Because I Dont Like That Type Of Music.
I Like R&B And Urban.
Its Nothing Against Them At All. Just Not My Thing. Therfore I Dont Like Them.
Its All A Matter Of Opinion ...

heres a good reason........i just dont like their music......not my style....

I like My Chem's music...some is really really good...but I don't like how they treat their fans...I attended Warped '05 and they were in their bus chillin and me and my cousin went up to their bus and asked if we could get an autograph through the window, it's not like we were asking to have a tour of their damn bus...anyways so then they don't even answer us and they didn't even get out to greet only 2 freakin fans...if they have no respect for people that want to meet them, then they don't respect anyone...and it's not like we had a huge crowd, it was only 2 of us and it was really late yeah...that made them suck for me...

Fine: their music sucks. My ears can tell me that. That is a valid reason. I don't want to listen to a band where the singer has his balls in a vice. They are self-righteous windbags lyrically too.


The problem is their sound has changed a bit.
If you listen to "I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love" and then "The Black Parade" they sound so different.
Their earlier stuff is better. I think they try too hard now.

Like others said, it's a matter of opinion. My Chemical Romance is personally one of my favorite bands. =)

The lead singer is damn ugly and the band think the're all hard but they're not

their just overrated. i don't like their image. but what i hate more is simply their music. i find it boring and annoying. the only person i'd listen to in their band is their lead guitarist because he's actually good, cause he has some blues and rock 'n roll influences. other than that, i don't like them. plus their fans are always are in your face about how great they think they are. like you posting this question. thats basically why i don't like them. more than 1 good reason.

Their music style has changed to fit the industry. Like any other band that became big, their music is poppy now. They are out there to make money now, not music that is true to their roots. Three Cheers was amazing compared to the black parade. Decent lyrics, and nice guitars. Black Parade is BS. Nothing is as hard as their old albums. Can't be too hard, or else you can't get played on the radio! IMO, Bullets was a little too rough for my tastes, but it does have some decent tracks on it.

One reason?


Gerard Way's voice sounds like a little girl's

Gerard Way looks like a little girl for that matter

MCR's fans think they are God's gift to music, and some have even gone as far as comparing them to Pink Floyd

Gerard is a cheesy drug addict with a lame gimmick band *The Black Parade?*

Listen to the band's first two albums and compare them to Black Parade, sellouts.

Gerard continually states that the band isn't emo. Doesn't he realize that the fans and critics classify a band's genre and not the band itself?

But I will say something positive about MCR, Ray Toro is an underrated guitarist. The rhythm to the song Dead! is pretty good.

They just scare me and annoy me. Gerard has a really annoying voice. They all dress the same, or even worse, they wear girl jeans and eye-liners. Wtf? Their music doesn't appeal to me. I don't see any meaning in it.

i agree with you. theres no reason not to like mcr. they didnt do anything wrong and their music is wonderful. my favorite song is the "i never told you what i did for a living".

What's bad about them
1) they are crappy live
2) they make not very good songs
3) They are way to poppy

What's good about them
1) They came up in a punk background
2) Geoff Rickly produced their 1st album
3) Tucker Rule played drums for them when MCR's drummer hurt himself or was sick or something.

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