For every rock listener.... what's your opinion on linkin park and rap/rock !

Question: Most people think rap and rock shouldn't be mixed together. Do ya?

Answers: Most people think rap and rock shouldn't be mixed together. Do ya?

i kinda like it....i hate rap its self, but theres something amazing abt it mixed. Its better, I just think rap by itself can be so impersonal, most of it has little to no meaning and they dont play any instuments, or write there songs, rock seems to the one of the most personal music genres if u ask me...rap and rock mixed it cool

not a fan of rap, huge fan of rock, sometimes mixed together is ok like aerosmith/run dmc's walk this way for eg.

My primary music interest is Metal, but I can listen to all music genres. As far as RapRock is concerned, it is not one of my favs. I do not have a problem with the joining of the two. In fact, there are some songs that really appeal to me, tho not many. I feel that when it comes to music type, if there is an audience for it, then it has it's place. There are people who live for one type of music over another and miss out on some really good stuff. So, to answer your question, yes, I feel that if there are people out there who want to listen to Rap-Rock, then it's combination is warrented. For the people who don't like it, they can do like I do and not listen.

I don't think it should be mixed together, because I hate rap, I just don't like the way it sounds. I'm going to be honest and say that Linkin Park's older stuff sounded very similar song by song, but I liked the lyrics and what they said. I have respect for them. Are they one of my favorites? No.

There are a lot of good rock/rap bands, like POD and Saliva (kinda "rappy") is decent. Linkin Park is just the best at it.

But rock and rap are the very popular, mixing them together may be a good experiment. If every attempt could be as good as Linkin Park, then I would have to say, generally, I like it.

for me i dont care for rap at all and for the most part i dont like to hear it mixed in with rock, but i have a very open mind and i will listen to almost anything at least one time to give it a chance to see if maybe i do like it, and with that being said i have listened to linkin park and they had a song that i did like but like alot of newer groups to me they all sound the same when i listen to a new cd , but i would have to say i dont like to hear rap and rock mixed .. have a nice day

I think it good a different combination i mean some of the
Jay- Z and Linkin Park stuff was quite good , I think some of them can work together ...and it will sound good whilst others sound horrid

i hate rap, but i love rock and metal....and pretty much i think they should be kept not a fan of linkin park's work but when i was younger and hadnt really developed my own distinct taste in music i did like the album that that song "in the end" was on.....but now looking back im not sure why......the only band that i think can pull it off is a band called Clawfinger....other than that i have yet to discover any talented band that can pull it off.....

my opinion is they suck.

RAP/rock combination is sucks...Linking park is joke.

i don't know if anyone could call Linking park even intelligent music.

oh...:) i know i'll get bunch of thumbs down

Since you're asking for opinions, I think that music like that is just another dead end in the evolutionary tree of Rock. An interesting experiment, but not going to survive the long haul.

I like it, but not really Linkin Park kind of rap rock. Not enough rock for me.

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