Has trouble ever came your way from wearing a band shirt?!

Question: Any stories of being persecuted? Or anything that people said about you etc?

Answers: Any stories of being persecuted? Or anything that people said about you etc?

Boy do I have a story,

Once i was taking the bus to go to my physical therapy and I had a Slayer shirt on, all of a suddence this guy in the front of me noticed I had a Slayer shirt and told me,

"Son, are you a white supremecist? Do you hate jesus?"

I was stunned, and I told him why. He replied that jesus hates metal and if I listen to Slayer I will burn in hell, then he started rambling on about how metalheads are racist. And all a sudden, he got up and wanted to fight me, and all of a sudden some guys knew he was about to jump me and got him and took him out the bus.

I think the guy was high or paranoid,, but thats the last time I take a bus

I've had a few comments from older folks about my Dead Kennedys Holiday In Cambodia t-shirt, but that's about it.
Oh and I had a My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult shirt in high school that said Sexplosion on the front, I wasn't allowed to wear that anymore. But they didn't make a big thing of it.

Dark: man seems too me we are slowly besome sensored starew, bro.

so far no even i have metallica t-shirt, wear but none tells me its worng, otherwise i'll tell them "go **** yourself in ***"

Well, I'm 14, and I love Def Leppard. One day I was wearing my concert shirt from last year's tour in Wal-Mart. I was walking really fast and almost ran into some one that I didn't see and he looked at me and said, "Stupid Brit. Go back to England." Then I looked at him and said, "I'm not British, I was born and raised here." Then he just glared at me and I walked away. It was funny, but at the same time, I was offended.

Nope. Just good comments. I was wearing an Iron Maiden shirt ( Number Of The Beast) and my teacher said he liked my shirt.

No, I haven't gotten any negative remarks about my Metallica shirt, or my Flogging Molly shirt. It's my kilt that really throws people for a loop...

"Jesus is a ...." shirt by marduk I was persecuted, but really...with a shirt like that lol, but that was the only shirt I had probs with

i was wearing a senses fail t shirt and one of my teachers said that i shouldn't wear it because i was putting people around me down by implying that i sensed failure around me, isn't that retarded??

Ehh nothing serious.

I've gotten alot of compliments.
Since my school is mostly owned by wiggers, most are afraid to state they like metal.

But it doesn't deter me, they with have to kill me before I dispose of my love for metal.

One day I was wearing a New Found Glory hoodie, but "New Found" was written really small and "Glory" was huge. This guy walks up to me and starts talking about God and how glad he was to see that a young person like me was into religion too. He kept going, but I had to stop him and explain to him that it was just a band hoodie. He got really upset after that.

I have this shirt with a picture of some Grateful Dead dancing bears hiding behind trees on the front of it, and under the pic it says "what should you do if you see bears in the woods?" and the back says "play dead" and it has the SYF logo under it.

People either have to have it explained several times (not that its all that complex), or they are like " I hate the Grateful Dead" and then I hate them forever.

Believe it or not, I got crap for wearing an AC/DC shirt. I guess its understandable, because some people would wear them just to have them on. But still, I was one of the people who would get furious with posers, so I got really ticked when some kid told me I probably didn't know any of their songs.

Apart from the good things, there's been a lot of stupid comments. Like "is The Clash like Green Day?" because I said they were punk.

I was told that I couldn't go to Church (during school, I wouldn't chose to go there on my own) because I was wearing a Slayer shirt. Which isn't a bad thing IMO
I have also warned that I was being manipulated by satanists and 'The Devil Himself' whilst wearing some of my other metal shirts.

Just some occasional comments if I'm wearing a black or death metal band t-shirt. The ones that seem to get the most comments on are Draugar, Sargeist, Belphegor, Marduk and Judas Iscariot. These comments usually include something along the lines of "I'll pray for you". Followed by my comment of "don't waste your time".

Well twice.

First time I wore a Grateful Dead tie-dye t-shirt, and I guess it stood out, so I got written up.

The second time I wore a Jimi Hendrix t-shirt, and he asked me when I could go to detention, so I asked when the smoking cessation was, because I didn't want to make detention and a smoking cessation on the same day and he said that Jimi Hendrix was a bad influence on me. Wth? I didn't overdose on sleeping pills. What a moron.

Ohh, another time, I was ordering a Doors t-shirt and my dad asked me what I was ordering, so I told him, and he said "they did drugs. you like that huh?" or something along those lines..."something about spreading the drug use around"

"skid row kicked *** and split" . my mum had a huge problem about that donington t...the word '***' was somehow unacceptable.

I used to have a shirt that had Ozzy hitchhiking to hell that I loved and wore all the time.
One day, after owning it for months and wearing it to school lots of times, one of the girls who was extremely religious decided to complain to the principal about it, although she could wear religious shirts.
I got called to the office, and told to change the shirt or to turn it inside out. I refuse and got in school suspension. I still can't stand that girl and am glad I never have to see her again.

No, I wear pretty obscure band tees. So, no one even knows that it's suppose to be a band, they think it's just a logo. But, I mostly get compliments, because the shirts I pick are sweet.

Not really, but I scare people. (People are scared of anything nowadays)

Wearing an Iron Maiden T-shirt w/ Eddie on it of course.

Well I don't have a bad story but....
I wear my Obituary "Cause of Death" shirt to every metal show I go to, and someone always has good comments on it.At the Obituary show in 05, Dead to Fall opened, and the singer came out with the same shirt and blue jeans, he had the same length hair and beard just like mine at the time.Next thing I knew they were done playing and I had crowds of people asking for my autograph and telling me how good we were.I could have taken advantage of so many teenage girls.

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