Can anyone think of a good band name?!

Question: It's for a alternative/classic rock band

Answers: It's for a alternative/classic rock band

It is always best to choose a name that
a) you can respect and be proud of
b) you're not going to grow out of as time goes by

Base it on your names, or your beliefs, but no one should choose it for you. End the end, it has to be about you.

the chocaholics

Fingerbang, dude! Totally!


the Clashics?

Maybe the Castaways?

Free Beer!

This way even if your music is terrible it will trick people into showing up...

Imagine: "Free Beer all night from 7pm to close!!"

You should name your band after something that's happened in the past. Or something you belive in. My friend got his band name from a piece of paper he found in a rental car while he was on vacation. The name of his bad is Kevin Hates Cars. Good luck on finding a band name!

Nick of Time

The Wanabees


calvery, blue ocean silver, all the way, chain in the wind, blue eyed beauty, lovers die, chainhenge, bring back beverley, the streak silver, down the dumps, the spruce, angels collide, handel, boulevards and blue lanes, the bright train,

or maybe

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