Which band do you like best out of the following?!

Question: fall out boy
jethro tull
the liars
panic at the disco

haha i know its weird to compare those bands but just pick one anyway

Answers: fall out boy
jethro tull
the liars
panic at the disco

haha i know its weird to compare those bands but just pick one anyway

*loads gun*
*puts gun to head*

Umm... I don't know who any of them are lol except for Panic! and Fall Out Boy... but I don't really like either of them...I'll say
Panic! At The Disco =) Cuz I like their new song.

Wow they are all really good! Its hard to pick!
Fall Out Boy wins though. =D

Out of all of those I would have to say Jethro Tull seeing as how all those bands are horrible. Yeah and Jethro Tull has some street cred seeing as how the lead singer over exaggerates every movement when they play live.

The only band there that doesn't raise my blood pressure with their suckiness.

genesis it has phil collins...


FOB and Panic! are tied. I <3 both of them. =]

I personaly think fall out queers and panic at the gay bar are kinda gay... i dono.

THEY ALL SUCK!!! its all about SUBLIME!!!!!!!!


none they all suck!

yuck!they are all like bla
well i have never heard jethro tull or genesis
i know who the liars are but i have never heard their music
panic at the disco is really overrated
so i guess fall out boy but their music isn't that good...

None...They all suck big time!

Put it this way...I'd rather be deaf then to listen to any of these bands :P

Jethro Tull


I never heard of Jethro Tull, The Liars, or Genesis. I like Fall Out Boys and Panic At The Disco, but I like Fall Out Boys more.

Genesis no question!

Panic at the disco.

Jethro Tull

Jethro Tull of course. Anyone who says they suck has CLEARLY never listened to the entire Thick as a Brick album.

Tough choice between Genesis & Jethro Tull.

I pick Genesis.

Out of your list, I would pick - Jethro Tull - Ian Andersen is a genius!!

Jethro Tull then Genesis. The rest can kiss my lilly white ***!

wow they all are no good... ill go with none

neither.....but which do I hate more? I hate FOB and PATD


cant choose between panic! at the disco n fallout boy =)

who ever picks fall out boy or Panic at the disco should go punch themselves in the face......

that being said i would have to pick genesis or jethro tull


Fallout boy because they freakin rock dude.

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