I stretched my arms towards the sky...?!

Question: ...like blades of tall grass.
The sun beat between my shoulders like carnival drums.
I sat still in hopes that it would help my wings grow,
So then I could be really fly.
And then she arrived...

Answers: ...like blades of tall grass.
The sun beat between my shoulders like carnival drums.
I sat still in hopes that it would help my wings grow,
So then I could be really fly.
And then she arrived...

Like day break inside a railway tunnel
Like the new moon, like a diamond in the mines
Like high noon to a drunkard, sudden-
she made my heart beat in a now-now time signature
Her skinny canvas for ultra-violet brushstrokes
She was the sun's painting...

Jill Scott-Love Rain (Mos Def Verse)

and your question is, are you asking for a completion.

May I please... cover you...


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