I need help comparing the song "Confessions part II" by Usher to the s!

Question: Can you point out any differences of similarities between these two songs....best answer gets 10 points!!!!!!

Answers: Can you point out any differences of similarities between these two songs....best answer gets 10 points!!!!!!

umm they both are about cheating on someone..and they both regret it.
in confessions he getsz her pregnant
in unfaithful she doesnt get pregnant
they both lie
..... thatsz it.... hope that help

they both have to do w/ cheating on their significant other.
in unfaithful, rihanna says shes going to hang out w/ her friends, but she's really going to see the guy.
and in confessions part 2, makes up the excuse in the very beginning that he's working, when he's really going to see his chick on the side.
in confessions, usher gets the girl pregnant and she keeps it.
rihanna doesn't get pregnant.
the similarities are that they both lie to their significant other.

hope i helped.

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