Do guitar pickups affect sustain???!

Question: ihave an epiphone g-400 and i hate how little sustain i get, but i just played an esp ex 400 with emg 81/60 pickups and there wasnt much more sustain. whats the deal?

Answers: ihave an epiphone g-400 and i hate how little sustain i get, but i just played an esp ex 400 with emg 81/60 pickups and there wasnt much more sustain. whats the deal?

Not necessarily there are pickups out on the market that will help boost sustain but read this article for some useful tips


yeah. that thing needs to be put through a marchall on 11 if you want sustain. the body has a lot to do with sustain too. A les paul will give you tons of sustain.

yes their are pickup that will improve your sustain. also proper intonation important.fx a calus finger tips

There should have been more. The higher the magnetic field around the pickup not directly in front of but around the entire area increases the magnetic field and then you have a better sustain. The stronger the magnets, the better sustain. The denser the wood, the better sustain.
Alot of that has to do with the density of the wood in the body. Pick a guitar with a more dense wood.

yeah, maybe you have passive pickups on that guitar, if you had active ones, they would boost sustain, you could get some great dimarzio ones for 100-200 dollars, and the thing is, the guitar would sound so different afterward, it would be like getting a new guitar, otherwise it';s the guitars fault

yeah they do but not to a great extent your comparing an exphiphone with an esp they are two totally different companies are two totally different guitars the esp is a better guitar than the g 400 by all means especially with the pick ups you have passive he has active

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