Dolly Parton - All Those Homes to Write in???!

Question: Whom does Dolly Parton think she is- Beethoven??? Boy, I howled when reading an interview where she appears to justify the number of homes she has, because `I know I always have a place to write`.

Geez, there are those of us Dolly, really brilliant writers, who don`t have the dosh to buy multiple homes never mind just one.

Answers: Whom does Dolly Parton think she is- Beethoven??? Boy, I howled when reading an interview where she appears to justify the number of homes she has, because `I know I always have a place to write`.

Geez, there are those of us Dolly, really brilliant writers, who don`t have the dosh to buy multiple homes never mind just one.

It must be really hard to get all your writing done with that heavy load of jealousy on your back.
You want what she's got, shut up, stop whinin', and get to writin'.

She worked hard to get where she is today. So she has more than one house, so what?
If you really were a brilliant writer I'm sure you'd have more than one house too.

Dolly, if I remember rightly, came from an incredibly impoverished background and she's doing a lot today to help underprivileged children learn how to read and write. I don't see a problem with her having many homes, I'm more interested in what a good woman she is. Why do you feel the need to criticise her? Is it the green-eyed monster?

So the lady has a sense of humour. Is that a crime now?

Hey, Dolly busted her tail to be where she is, and I'm proud of her, as a fellow Tennessean. She came from a very poor background, and, even though she's hit it big, and got a lot of money, she hasn't gotten "above her raisin'" and remembers where she came from, and gives back to the people in her hometown and state who are in need.

Dolly has a sense of humor, for sure, if you've ever watched her interviews, you can definitely see it. Whether her music is your style or not, don't bash her for what she's accomplished.

Dolly Parton can say whatever she wants to say. She grew up with nothing. If she wants to talk about everything she's got now so be it. If you are jealous then go out and make the money she did instead of complaining about it on Yahoo Answers.

I read an article that reported police are using Dolly Parton as one of the methods of punishing anti social drivers who insist on listening to their music loudly in their cars and upsetting everyone. It's a kind of, see how you like having that load of dung inflicted on your ears!! How great is that, torture where torture is due!!

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