What Are Good Ways to Start Playing Guitar?!

Question: ive already purchased an acoustic. i've heard from some people its better to self-learn

Answers: ive already purchased an acoustic. i've heard from some people its better to self-learn

when i started there was no computer lessons or anything like that. i was 8 years old and i took lessons from a teacher. its a good way to learn because if you r not doing something right, he or she will correct it promptly. just practice and don't take criticism to harshly, it makes you a better player. Good luck and Go Wylde.

If you have comcast there are lessons On-Demand.

This is how I taught myself.
Get to a music store and pick up song sheets you are familiar with. Make sure they have guitar chords.
Buy a cheap book that shows you finger placement then practice, practice, practice until you can't stand the song anymore.

it is better to learn from a teacher provided they are good.

Do youself a favor and download songs from Al dimeola's casino and elegant gypsy albums.There is some fantastic acoustical work on there that is truly inspiring.There are many sights that offer sheet music for free,that might along with a chord booklet help explain things for the self learner.
Hopefullty your guitar has been setup to play.It will make your time much easier if you have a store set up the action and playability for you.If you bought it from a store they should do it already but many never even bother.It makes a huge,huge difference.

Been playing almost 30 years.

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