Do you remember a song by Stu Philips?!

Question: Stu was born in Canada and has been a member of the Grand Ole Opry for many years. One of his most famous songs was "Vin Rose"

Answers: Stu was born in Canada and has been a member of the Grand Ole Opry for many years. One of his most famous songs was "Vin Rose"

Stu Phillips is a well known music composer. He worked with the bests such BB King in the sixties and is well known for his Battlestar Galactica theme and Knight Rider's theme.

Yes. Stu Philips is a Canadian known as the Travelling Balladeer and is an ordained minister.

Some hits include:

The Great El Tigre
Vin Rose
Juanita Jones

Vin Rose. Stu Phillips has been a staple at the opry for years. He's also a minister and is Canadian.

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