Quiz: NW music and friends - 1980 to present. Little mainstream here so good lu!


Quiz: NW music and friends - 1980 to present. Little mainstream here so good luck. Do you know your stuff?

This co-founder of K Records formed a band (one of many) in the early 80's with 2 other people.
Q1: Name this person and the band.

The abovementioned person had several side projects, one of which formed in 1994 with a well known “indie” rocker based out of Boise, Idaho.
Q2A: Name the side project and the Boise based artist.
Q2B: Name the two other bands that this Boise based artist is known for fronting.

A second side project joined forces with a band that formed in New York in 1990. Released in 1999, this would be their 3rd full length since 1995.
Q3A: What is the full title of this 1999 release (this should include the side project name and the New York band)?
Q3B: The front man for this New York band is also known for being involved in many other projects - 2 of which included his wife. Name those two bands.

Bonus question!
This New York band (mentioned in Q3A) did a music video where 3 famous actors are featured as members of the band. Name the song & actors.


Q1 answer= Calvin Johnson, Beat Happening
Q2 answer= The Halo Benders, Doug Martsch
Q2B answer= Treepeople and.... Built to Spill?

and i am just really lost on the last two questions. sorry.

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