Band Singing?!


Band Singing?

I would like to do singing with a band, pub & club work, but need to be put in the right direction. Where do I find out if bands are looking for singers?

Also, do open mic sessions pay off, where are the best places to go to in London?


Look on Myspace MUSIC not just the regular Myspace pages where people are just crazy. Once on Myspace music you can also filter your search for London and other specific locations around there to find bands. If you see a band that interests you, check out there message board, blogs, events, and other posts. If they interest you shoot them a message and ask if they need a member. Remember Myspace's original intention was music, people have just abused it but there are still quality musicians on it, you have to be willing to look hard and long to filter through the garbage so be patient.

Open Mic sessions do pay off down the road. Every famous artists, jazz musician, comedian, magician, poet, etc... has done it at some point. It may not be how they got discovered but it makes you tough and it helps create a buzz about you. Remember, the goal is always to create a buzz among the people so they come find you and buy your album (labels are loving this nowadays--makes their job a lot easier when it comes to discovering talent). Most people have the wrong mentality about being discovered---they want the person to just show up---its not gonna happen. As you get better people will start asking about you and pretty soon they'll ask you "Can I buy your album" bringing me to my next point.

You need to record an album or demo regardless of whether you join a band. You could join the band, you guys could fall out, or you could go all the way. Either way, you need to have your own album and do it your way. Always have something ready for YOUR fans to reward them with as you build a following because they are going to be the one's who get you discovered (record labels are listenting for who's hot already---they're trying to save money and cut down on the work---). Point in case the famous rapper Ludicrious sold 10,000 copies of his own album and the labels came to him practically begging him to sign---by the way he owns most of his publishing. Anywho, while your looking for a band kill two birds with one stone: make an album/demo and perform open mic---it will pay off.

Nowadays, to make a quailty album are demo their a plenty of resources online due to the growing demand and increase in independent artists. For beats try
They have primarily produced music for independent films, video games, and commercials. However, they recently added tracks for independent artists. Their quality is superb but they do not offer a lot of tracks since they just started selling to recording artists. They're adding new tracks each month but the point is they are known and respected and that adds to your credibility and increases chances of being discovered.

To sell your cd try I'm sure you've heard about them. If you have not your behind the times my friend. Not only do they sell your album they also pay your registration fee to itunes and all other major online download stores so you music is sold that way as well. They only take a small percentage but again they are the most credible which helps you build credibility.

Finally make yourself a webpage ( and feature your music, cd, events, tours, concerts, fan club, forum, all that jazz. You should also get a myspace page, facebook, and cdbaby will give you a webpage on their site as well. Link all the pages together and keep performing. Create a buzz about yourself---if your good and your meant to be an artists---they will find you.

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