I am having trouble with the twang technique?!


I am having trouble with the twang technique?

I have been having singing lessons for a few months now and have just started looking at twang.

I am finding it hard to place the sound in the right place and produce the right sound.

Is there a technique that could help me get the hang of this?


there is a lot of technique for this! However, there's no one quick sure-fire answer, simply because I don't now how you sound, or where your strengths and weaknesses are.
have a hand mirror ready, and a good source of light.Spend time investigating the inside of your mouth cavity while you exercise your soft palate, velar palate (the diagonal ones at the back of your mouth), and tongue root. These three sets of tissue/tendon are extremely important for getting "placement" and "color". Your teacher will be mentioning them ( we hope) in bits of info at a time- it's too large a topic for one lesson. Seen one by one, it's fairly easy to comprehend, but the trick is in the exact coordination. Be patient, we all have to go through this phase!
Best wishes and keep on singing

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