Calling all twilight fans? (Question about the cast)?!

Question: Calling all twilight fans!? (Question about the cast)!?

Who is that guy farthest to the left!? His twilight character name and real name please!? :D He's super cute! I really should start reading the books! I wanna watch the movie so bad now :)Www@Enter-QA@Com

the books are great, but thats just my opinion!. the movie is going to awesome as well!. i cant wait and the character is emmett cullen!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Don't read the books, they are horrible!.
Seriously!. Horribly written, bad dialouge, etc!.

The character is Emmett Cullen!. I don't know his real name, but if you go to the twilight IMDB page, he will be there!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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