Does anyone else wish a 'the hills have eyes 3' movie would be made?!

Question: Does anyone else wish a 'the hills have eyes 3' movie would be made!?

I would REALLY Like to see a 3rd one made!.
I'm a die-hard fan of The Hills Have Eyes, both the 1970's ones, and the Remakes!.
The 2006 Remake is by far my favourite!. The whole idea of the family was good!. However I highly anticipated the 2nd movie (2007) and rented it the day it came out!.!.!.I was majorly let down by it, But still love it!. I mean, c'mon, its 'The Hills have eyes', how can it not be awesome!

But yes, I'd really like to see a 3rd, but hopefully this time its not based around the army base & mutant caves the entire time!.
But whatever comes, I really hope they make a 3rd!Www@Enter-QA@Com

No, the first two were horrible lame excuse's for a slasher/horror flick!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Sounds good to me!.!.!.!.!.!.sure, why not!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

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