Looking for a White haired male actor who plays in SciFi movies and is the good !

Question: Looking for a White haired male actor who plays in SciFi movies and is the good bad guy or the bad good guy!?
This guy is tall and has white hair, no beard!. Usually plays a cop, bounty hunter, or similar part!. Usually plays in "B" movies that you see on TV!. Seen him on SciFi channel movies and other late night shows!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Tobin Bell did a lot of Scifi!.!.


Possilby Malcolm McDowell

Could it be Dolph Lundgren!? He plays in a lot of B-roll flicks - not sure about Sci-Fi, though!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

Just a guess, "Rutger Hauer"!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

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