The Strangers movie question?!

Question: The Strangers movie question!?
Since this movie is based on true events, does Kristen McKay live in real life or not!? Is James Hoyt really dead!?Www@Enter-QA@Com

both dead, those two boys actually existed if you listen closely the boy says their is 3 people dead and a bunch of blood on the walls and a 3 masks (then the screen cut to black and said the strangers) that was the actual recording of the call of the boy calling the police, that was all they saw, the boys saw those people drive away and saw three mask so they assumed that those were the killers, they said it was two girls and one man, they also said they found a man shot in the head, a man brutally stabbed (james hoyt) and a woman stabbed three times in the breast!.

they dont know exactly what happened just the evidence the boys found and the people they saw drive away!.!.!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

It is INSPIRED by true events!.!.!. that doesn't mean the characters "names" are real!.!.

They is so much gossip on what it was really based on though!.!. there were the rumors of the "Keddie Cabin Murders" in Keddie, Ca!. There was also rumors of it having to do with the "Manson Murders"!.!. I for one, don't think the Manson Murders had anything to do with this!.!.!.

This is what is said from the director/wikipedia:
The movie is inspired by an event from the director, Bryan Bertino's, childhood!. A stranger came to his home asking for someone!. Later, he found out that empty homes in the neighborhood had been robbed!. With that memory in mind, Bertino created this, his debut screenplay!.Www@Enter-QA@Com

i really don't knowWww@Enter-QA@Com

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