Whats your fav lord of the rings movie?!

Question: and why?

Answers: and why?

I dont like any of them. I loved the book, and I dont think the movies did it justice.

the third. it has the sick spider scene.

Two Towers, mainly for the battle of helm's Deep

The first one because it brought something to this world that had never been seen to such a grand scale; the music, the effects, cinematography, storyline, etc.

the 3rd one.....duh

Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King

Aragorn leads the remaining soldiers from the previous battle, to the Black Gate to draw the Orcs away from Frodo's path.
When Aragorn looks at them and says "For Frodo" and charges...always gives me chills.

Probably the second one. The first one is pretty much one long, 3-hour chase scene. The last one was WAY too long and drawn out. The middle one was better-paced than the others and had the great battle scenes on top of that. So I like it the best. But together, all three of them are an amazing spectacle of movie-making.

the one where they fight in helms deep

i liked the 3rd one. lots of stuff happens without dragging out the story, like the first one did

The Fellowship of the Ring. Mainly because it started the whole thing. From then on, I was practically obsessed and could not wait for TTT, then RotK. The music was absolutely awesome. Ughh...it's nearly impossible to pick a favorite! I wanted to cry during the last one cuz it was over.


I would have to say the second one, this is because it is the only one I watched...

mine is the last cuz i knew that was the last one that was gonna be made

The second. It goes right into the action, unlike Fellowship, but leaves you wanting/NEEDING a sequel, unlike The Return of the King.

i like all of them but the second one is better ....

Return of the King was my favorite, but I really enjoyed all three films.

I think the 3rd installment had more action and impressive battle scenes on the whole, and it provided a conclusion to an amazing trilogy.

The first is the one I prefer, mostly because it is my favorite part of the story, and also for the first impression I got when I saw it. I read the books and seeing Peter Jackson's work of putting that masterpiece on screen was a real bliss. I really enjoyed the third too. The CG effects are at their best there. The Minas Tirith battle is just so huge!

i love all the lord of the rings movies - they're incredible. but i must admit, my favorite one is the return of the king - during the battle of middle earth in front of minas tirith. it was so inspriring to see rohan's army charging towards the orcs. it was also very funny to see legolas and gimli competing over how many they kill. =)

The first or third...

While I really like the Battle @ Helm's Deep in the second one, I prefered the first and third movies more in general. The first one is awesome because its the beginning where things are still green and peacful and the story is just starting to unfold. And the third one is awesome because thats when it comes down to the "do or die" intense situations when the trilogy is wrapping up.

Definitely the first. The second and third actually concentrated too much on the battle scenes.

I liked fellowship the best because it stayed CLOSEST to the original story.

I positively HATED two towers. For the opposite reason that I liked fellowship. It was almost as though PJ said, oh, this is a good book...but MEH we don't need it, we'll just write our own story and give it the same name....no one will notice.

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