What returning characters will be in Indiana Jones 4?!

Question: is that Shyla Boch (i have no idea how to spell it) guy going to play indy's son or something? Is sean connery going to be in it? What about Marcus?

Answers: is that Shyla Boch (i have no idea how to spell it) guy going to play indy's son or something? Is sean connery going to be in it? What about Marcus?

Other than Indy, Marion Ravenwood ( Karen Allen) is the only known returning character. Shia LaBeouf plays Mutt Williams - the popular theory is he's the son of either Marion or Indy (if not both) but the last name has people thrown. Connery declined to be in this one and Denholm Elliott who played Marcus Brody passed away in 1992 of AIDS. John Rhys-Davies who played Sallah apparently was not asked to return.

However, we are getting Cate Blanchett as Irina Spalko, Ray Winstone as 'Mac', and John Hurt as Marion's "dead" father Abner Ravenwood.

Sean Connery is retired now so he won't be back to play Indie's father. Shia LaBeouf I think is playing Indiana Jones' sidekick. As for Marcus I don't believe he'll be there either. Cate Blanchett will be playing Indiana Jones' love interest I think...Should be a good film, I can't wait.

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