Movie about leaving earth?!

Question: ages ago i saw this movie and i cant remember the name of it.....its about people leaving earth for some reason and starting life on another planet....
could you plz put any suggestions here cause i really want to know!!!

Answers: ages ago i saw this movie and i cant remember the name of it.....its about people leaving earth for some reason and starting life on another planet....
could you plz put any suggestions here cause i really want to know!!!


maybe this one...

One possibility is this:
When Worlds Collide (1951)
starring Richard Derr, Barbara Rush, Peter Hansen, John Hoyt, Larry Keating, Frank Cady, Hayden Rorke
IMDB synopsis:
What would happen if a rogue planet flew into our solar system and slammed into the Earth? That question is answered in this classic sci-fi tale. An astronomer discovers an object that has just entered the solar system. His calculations show him it's big and headed straight for the Earth. The only problem is convincing the rest of the world. This top notch sci-fi shows humanity at its best and worst.

Pilot David Randall (Richard Derr) is paid to fly mysterious photographs from South African astonomer Dr Emery Bronson (Hayden Rorke) to Dr Cole Hendron (Larry Keating) in America. Hendron, with the assistance of his daughter Joyce (Barbara Rush), confirms their worst fears. Dr Hendron warns the delegates of the United Nations that the Earth will collide with a gas giant rogue planet (Bellus) approaching the solar system with an Earth-sized satellite (Zyra) in tow, but other, equally distinguished scientists scoff at his claims, and he is not believed.

Hendron's group is forced to start building an "ark" privately, financed mainly by wealthy, wheelchair-bound industrialist Sidney Stanton (John Hoyt) in exchange for taking him along. The ark, a rocket designed to land like a glider, is intended to give a few selected individuals a chance to escape to Zyra in the faint hope of saving the human race. Randall manages to attach himself to the project, much to the annoyance of medical doctor Tony Drake (Peter Hansen), who sees a rival for Joyce's affections.

The ship's construction is a race against time as doomsday approaches. Groups in other nations also begin building ships. As time begins running out, formerly-skeptical scientists admit that Hendron's group was right about doomsday, and governments prepare for the inevitable.

Bellus first makes a close approach, causing massive earthquakes and tidal waves that wreak havoc. In the aftermath, Drake and Randall travel in a helicopter on a mission of mercy to provide assistance to survivors. When Randall alights to rescue a little boy, Drake has to resist a strong temptation to strand him.

As the appointed day of doom approaches, the ship is loaded with food, microfiche copies of books, equipment, and animals. Approximately fifty passengers are selected by lottery, but Randall refuses to take part, believing that he has no useful skills to contribute. However, Drake tricks him into joining the crew by inventing a medical condition for the pilot, making a backup necessary.

The cynical Stanton, having bought weapons to defend the base, becomes more anxious as time passes. His fears prove accurate. First, his much-abused lackey, Ferris (Frank Cady), desperately tries to get himself included in the crew at gunpoint. Then, in the final hour, many of the lottery losers riot, taking up Stanton's weapons to try and force their way aboard.

Hendron stays behind at the last moment, forcibly keeping the crippled Stanton and his wheelchair from boarding as well in order to lighten the spaceship. His sacrifice proves to be crucial as the fuel runs out too soon and the ship barely manages to glide to a rough landing on Zyra. The passengers debark and find the new planet to be (miraculously) hospitable. David Randall and Joyce Hendron walk hand and hand to their new home.

If this isn't it, I'll see what others might fit your question.

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