War among movie characters. Who would win?!

Question: In the following death matches, who would win?
Elrond vs. Agent Smith
Neo vs. Constantine
Gandalf vs. Magnito
Van Helsing vs. Wolverine
Sauromon vs. Count Dooku
Indiana Jones vs. Han Solo
Rocky vs. Rambo
Terminator vs. Mr. Freeze
Jason vs. Predator

Best answer gets 10 points!

Answers: In the following death matches, who would win?
Elrond vs. Agent Smith
Neo vs. Constantine
Gandalf vs. Magnito
Van Helsing vs. Wolverine
Sauromon vs. Count Dooku
Indiana Jones vs. Han Solo
Rocky vs. Rambo
Terminator vs. Mr. Freeze
Jason vs. Predator

Best answer gets 10 points!

Agent Smith, because he'd cheat and slow down time or something (that, and he'd pull Elrond's long girly hair).

Neo, for the same reason as above- being able to see ghouls and dead people can't help you against a guy who can slow down time and dodge a bullet.

Gandalf, obviously- he's a wizard. What does he care if Lenscher/Magneto can move metal. Did you see a belt buckle on Gandalf's cloak? Nope- no metal there.

Wolverine, for the obvious re-generation reasons. No matter how many wooden stakes or silver bullets you send his way, he'll be better in 10 seconds.

Saruman would edge out Dooku, but he'd be pretty effed up in the process. As a wizard, he can call all sorts of storms and cast spells- this would help him out, but the Force would still give him a run for his money.

Indiana Jones would kick Han Solo's a**. Indy doesn't back down, but Han drops his cargo at the first sign of an Imperial Cruiser...the wimp.

Rambo, because unless I'm mistaken, a giant machine gun will always win out against a meat packing plant worker with big soft gloves.

Terminator- please! (Incidentally, I curse you for reminding me how horrible that particular Batman movie was. They totally ruined the Mr. Freeze character from the comics).

Jason. Why? More sequels- you can't keep him down.

Agent Smith
Indiana Jones
Mr. Freeze

Agent Smith
Count Dooku
Indiana Jones
fun question!

Indiana Jones

Four of these are virtually indestructible, and two are wizards. No chance for any of their opponents.

agent smith
count dooku
han solo

Agent Smith if he has home field advantage
Neo same as above
Gandalf can depolarize Magnito
Wolverine has better defense
Count Dooku close both have some form of magic but Dooku is a trained killer
Han Solo he has a blast pistol for crying out loud
Terminator its a cooler character and a near immortal robot killer
The last is a draw Hollywood critics keeps killing them off but we buy the tickets anyway

Dude, I have done some questions like this before... check my questions later...

my guess would be:

1 - Agent smith (he'd outnumber elrond)
2 - Neo (constantine is on the side of god, but neo is the one)
3 - Though one: they'd probably kill each other
4 - wolverine'd take the crap out of van helsing
5 - another though one: I'd say Dooku is more deadly and faster (he was trained by Yoda, so...)
6 - very equilibrated fight, but if Solo is within the Falcon Indiana can count only with a horse...(he'd be f.u.ke.d)
7 - Rambo, no doubt, he'd cut of Rocky's arm before ever get a punch
8 - Althoug the Terminator is stronger, he'd shater after being frezed.
9 - you were out of criativity for this one... There's little meaning in this one... No idea

But it was very funny anyway...

I don't know, Elrond kind of worries me, but his magical powers may actually kick Agent Smiths ***.
No doeubt Neo would kick Constantines ***, constantine is such a wuss.
Gandalf can beat everyone on the list.
NOw this one is hard, Van Helsing is great, but Wolverine can kick some ***, so i'm going with Wolverine, but i'd pay money and put that fight on pay per view.
Sauromon doesn't impress me much, so COunt Dooku would win.
Han Solo can by far kick Jones's ***, i mean at least he has a light saber.
Rambo has guns, Rocky does not, Rambo wins
Terminator is much better than lousy Mr. Freeze, he could kick that ***
But this one is my favorite. Both are Badass and supernatural. But I think, honeslty, predator would finally be the one to get rid of Jason.

great question!!!!! you get a star

Indiana Jones

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