Smallville - powers?!


Smallville - powers?

CLARK KENT - favourite power and why? what other powers will he get or should have?

CHLOE SULLIVAN - what is her power? how did she get it? was she infected by the first/second meteor?

LANA LANG - what will happen to her "witch" powers?

LIONEL LUTHOR - how did he get his powers? and in the comics, did he have the role of helping clark?

LEX LUTHOR - will he get any more powers [other than his "zod stage"] since basically most of the cast do besides martha?

yeah, i was just curious.

ps - do you think the guy who played sam will EVER come back and have at least a guest appearance?


CLARK KENT - I think they should add telekenisis.
CHLOE SULLIVAN - I can't remember which power she gained. I think she was infected after the second meteor shower. I do remember her getting infected with that bug bite like Pete.
LANA LANG - I think it would be interested if they brought back her witch thing..
LIONEL LUTHER - I wasn't aware he had powers. I must have missed some episodes.
LEX LUTHER - I don't think he will but who knows.. I could be wrong.

Sam Jones is the name of the guy who played Pete Ross not the other way around lol.. and I hope he does.. that would be cool.

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