Did you know about these parrots?!

Question: Did you know about these parrots!?
- A lady arrived to talk with the priest: Father, I have a problem!.
- Tell me, What's your problem!?
- Well father two female parrots, very beautiful, but the only thing they know what to say is "Hi, we're prostitutes, Do you wanna have fun!?"
- The priest replies:That's to bad, but I have an idea!. I have these couple of male parrots whom I've though how to pray; bring me your female parrots, we put them in the same cage with my parrots and they'll teach them well, like that your parrots will stop saying that barbarities !.
The lady, glad with the idea, took in her two female parrots the very next day!. Once she's there she can see that the father's parrots are inside their cage concentrated praying!. So they place the two female parrots inside the cage and once inside they say what they know:
-Hi, we're prostitutes, Do you wanna have fun!? Then one of the father's parrots says: Brother, save the rosaries and the bible!.!.!. our prays have been listened: Here are the bit***s! Www@Enter-QA@Com

!.!.!.blehk! thats horrible ha haWww@Enter-QA@Com


Never gets oldWww@Enter-QA@Com

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